Hedgehog House
It’s great to provide a safe and comfortable day house for hedgehogs to use during the day. A hedgehog house should be positioned in a quiet and sheltered area, away from any disturbances that could startle the hedgehog and with the entrance facing south if possible.
The house should be placed on flat ground, preferably in a natural area with some vegetation, and should have a waterproof roof to protect against rain and dampness. You can also add some dry leaves or straw to the interior of the house to create a cozy bed for the hedgehog.
It’s important to clean the hedgehog house regularly, especially if the hedgehog has been using it frequently. You can use gloves and a mild disinfectant to clean the house, and make sure to air it out for a few hours before placing it back in its original position.
To make this easier we paint the inside of the house with three coats of “Constable Clouds” VOC Free, Antibacterial, Non-Toxic, Emulsion paint from Little Nights which also absorbs Formaldehyde. This also helps if using an Infra-Red Camera inside the house.
Remember not to disturb the hedgehog if it’s using the house during the day, as they need their rest. And never try to handle a wild hedgehog, as they may become stressed and can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans.
You can install one of our Hedgehog Camera Kits in the Hedgehog Day House or place a Trail Camera outside the station to monitor activity.
Overall, providing a Hedgehog House with access to food and water can greatly benefit hedgehogs and contribute to their well-being but do not place food on drink inside the house.

Hedgehog Hibernation House
Hedgehog Hibernation Houses are designed to provide a safe and warm habitat for hedgehogs throughout the year, including the rearing of young hogs. Hedgehogs are known to hibernate during the winter months, so having a dedicated house for them can provide them with a cozy and secure environment to rest.
Providing access to food and water throughout the year is also crucial for the hedgehogs’ survival, especially during the winter months when natural food sources may be scarce. You can offer them a range of food options, such as wet or dry cat food, mealworms, or specially formulated hedgehog food. Make sure to also provide them with fresh water, as dehydration can be a problem for hedgehogs, particularly during hot and dry periods.
Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the hibernation house is placed in a safe and secluded area, away from potential predators and disturbances. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the house is also recommended to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and parasites.
To make this easier we paint the inside of the house with three coats of “Constable Clouds” VOC Free, Antibacterial, Non-Toxic, Emulsion paint from Little Nights which also absorbs Formaldehyde. This also helps if using an Infra-Red Camera inside the house.
You can install one of our Hedgehog Camera Kits in the Hedgehog Day House or place a Trail Camera outside the station to monitor activity.
Overall, providing a Hedgehog Hibernation House with access to food and water can greatly benefit hedgehogs and contribute to their well-being but do not place food on drink inside the house.

Hedgehog Feeding Stations
Hedgehogs can struggle to find enough food and water in urban areas, especially during hot and dry weather. Providing a feeding station can help ensure that they have access to the resources they need to survive.
We suggest you start with the small station with a single food bowl and a single water bowl and if the food disappears overnight either add another small station or upgrade to the large station.
Place the feeding station in a quiet and sheltered area of your garden, away from any potential hazards such as ponds or swimming pools. Make sure that the lid is secure, so that other animals such as cats or foxes cannot get in.
Remember to clean and refill the feeding station regularly, daily if you have regular visitors and provide fresh water daily. You can also supplement the hedgehog’s diet with chopped fruit and vegetables, mealworms, or dried insects. Please DO NOT feed them bread, milk, or any human food that could be harmful to their health.
You can install one of our Hedgehog Camera Kits in the Large Feeding Station or place a Trail Camera outside the station to monitor activity.